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A World of Fruits (EBook Version)

A World of Fruits (EBook Version)

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This book is about fruits and the benefits and uses of them. My ebook discusses the benefits of fruits, uses of fruits, their nutrient contents, details and facts about all the fruits in the world, and my experiences with some of these fruits, and ways you can improve your health and learn more about nutrition and fruits. 

Fruits have benefited my life in so many ways and it can for you as well. The leaves/trees of fruits can be used as medicine as well, just as much as fruits they bear. Fruits are full of life and is light itself. Fruits are indeed nature's candy and the rawest forms of real food and medicine. I grew up always eating fruits like oranges, apples, watermelon, mangos, grapes, strawberries, bananas and so on; but i really never ate it nearly as much as i do now. When you consume fruits, your energy levels increases almost immediately; this effect is known as the greatest among any food group, because it is raw, natural, and full of nutrients. Benefits of fruits that we need in our daily lives, busy schedules and prevention.

Fruits are natural sources of vitamins and minerals, which are essential for the proper functioning of the body. Rich in fiber, fruits help improve the functioning of the digestive tract, digestion, egestion, and assimilation, reducing the chances of constipation and other disorders. Fruits are an important part of a healthy diet, because they provide energy without enormous calories. Fruits have low sodium content and fats, which is healthy for your heart. Fruits are rich in potassium, which is important to keep your blood pressure normal. Vitamin C, found in fruits, precisely citrus fruits. Vitamin C helps theviruses, colds, wounds, immunity, healthy skin, teeth, gums, and to keep the lymphatic system healthy. Dry fruits are excellent laxatives, detox and a great natural remedy for anemia, acidosis, fever, and so forth. They help weight control and promote eye, skin, hair, teeth, muscle and bone health. Fruits are a rich source of folic acids, which is the most important nutrient for pregnant women. Folate is known to reduce the risk of neural tube defects, anencephaly, and spina bifida occurring during fetal development. 

Fruit directory and descriptions include: Apple Apricot Avocado Banana Blackberry Blackcurrant Blueberry Breadfruit Cacao Canistel/Egg fruit Cantaloupe Carambola Cherimoya Cherry Coconut Coco Plum Cranberry Date Fruit Durian Elderberry Feijoa Figs Gooseberry Goji berry Grapefruit Grape Pitaya (Dragonfruit) Pineapple Pitanga Plantain Plums/Prune Pomegranate Prickly Pear Pummelo Quince Raisin Rambutan Raspberry Sapodilla Sapote, Mamey Seagrape Soursop Star apple Strawberry Sugar-Apple Tamarind TreeTomato Watermelon Yuzu Guava Guinep Hog Plum Honeyberry Honeydew Huckleberry Jackfruit Java-Plum Jujube Fruit Kiwi Kumquat Lemon Lime Longan Loquat Lychee Mango Mangosteen Mulberry Nanche Olives Orange Papaya Passion Fruit Peach Pear Persimmon

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