I AM: Unlocking your true self & how to live with purpose... (EBook Version)
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This book discusses ways we can improve our lives and health, as well as finding purpose and shifting our awareness and perspectives of existence itself. Throughout the chapters you will see many strategies and tips on how the world around us operates and how we should strive to operate as eternal minds in human beings. Our health and wellness is extremely vital to the overall success and fulfillment of life itself, with ways we can see better individuals and communities. The main chapters go over topics such as positivity, beliefs, health, peace, love, power, community and purpose. This piece combines the worlds of science, health and spirituality all in one, in a unique and intriging way to fit the interest of everyone and allow everyone to see different perspectives or perceptions of truth. After reading you will leave with tools to help improve your lifestyle habits, self awareness, peace and love life, environment, engagement, belief systems, health status, and outlook on existence.